Hi, I'm Henry...
I was born with haemophilia just like my Poppa and some of my cousins. The doctors say I have moderate haemophilia which means that my blood takes much longer to clot than for other kids and I bruise really easily but I don’t mind some bruises if I’m having fun!
I tell everyone that I have ‘special blood’ and I’m always excited to meet others with ‘special blood’ too. Mum says “the work the Haemophilia Foundation does in bringing haemophiliacs and their families together to meet and share experiences is invaluable” – whatever that means…
I like the jungle gym and last year I jumped from the monkey bars and broke my arm badly. My arm needed fixing up but luckily we live close to Wellington Hospital so I got rushed there and got a big white cast put on. The special blood doctors and nurses at Wellington Hospital were awesome.