What is Haemophilia?

People born with haemophilia have little or no clotting factor. The less clotting factor the body produces, the more severe the haemophilia and the more likely a person will suffer from frequent bleeds with some bleeds being spontaneous or without a clear cause.

Haemophilia is a hereditary bleeding disorder with the first warning signs including severe bruising and prolonged bleeding.

If you have haemophilia, you will bleed for a longer time than others after an injury. You can also bleed inside your body (internally), especially in your knees, ankles, and elbows. This bleeding can damage your organs and tissues and may be life threatening.

There is no cure for haemophilia; it is a chronic illness that will affect a person for their whole life.

A bit about Haemophilia New Zealand

Established in 1958, Haemophilia New Zealand continues to serve the needs of New Zealanders with haemophilia and their families through education, support, and advocacy, outreach Service, camps, workshops and education grants. Because haemophilia is a lifelong condition our educational programmes have been developed to target each stage of life, including Young Families’ Camps, Youth Camps and Women’s Workshops to ensure these brave individuals have the tools to grow and face the future with confidence.

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Promoting excellence in haemophilia care, education, advocacy & support to all people
in NZ with bleeding disorders and their family/whanau.

Hi, I'm Henry...

I was born with haemophilia just like my Poppa and some of my cousins. The doctors say I have moderate haemophilia which means that my blood takes much longer to clot than for other kids and I bruise really easily but I don’t mind some bruises if I’m having fun!

I tell everyone that I have ‘special blood’ and I’m always excited to meet others with ‘special blood’ too. Mum says “the work the Haemophilia Foundation does in bringing haemophiliacs and their families together to meet and share experiences is invaluable” – whatever that means…

I like the jungle gym and last year I jumped from the monkey bars and broke my arm badly. My arm needed fixing up but luckily we live close to Wellington Hospital so I got rushed there and got a big white cast put on. The special blood doctors and nurses at Wellington Hospital were awesome.

Your donations invest in these worthwhile programmes
and make a positive difference for so many lives.

Adult Wellness
Family Camp
Children's Education
Youth Camps
Women's Workshop

“More than anything, I loved the chance to meet up and connect with other haemophilia families.”

HNZ is dedicated to improving the lives of people with haemophilia and related bleeding disorders; but we cannot do it alone. Only with the generous financial support of caring New Zealanders can we make a difference.

We need your help to continue.

Contact Us

Email: hnz@donatenow.co.nz   |   Freephone: 0800 820 382

Contact Us

0800 820 382